Workplace Fairness and Dignity

Update on upcoming podcasts


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Hi, thank you for visiting my podcast. My first podcast, "From Fired to Fired Up" generated quite a bit of interest and so this week, I am working on content for future podcasts, and doing some tweaking so that I can speak more to the topics discussed on the first podcast. I will be back next week with a new, full episode, and I look forward to having you listen! Please do tune in! 

MUSIC: Swinging Lounge Bar, by Neil Cross 

MUSIC: Swinging Lounge Bar, by Neil Cross 

Hi, this is Cecilia Akuffo of the podcast Workplace Fairness and Dignity. 

My first podcast, From Fired to Fired Up has generated the most interest thus far so I am looking to tweak the next podcast to reflect more discussion in that direction. So this week I am working on content for the next few episodes.

I will be back next week, and I look forward to having you “drop in”, please tune in.